August 10th, 2020
Hello First Street Academy of Dance families and friends!
We would like to thank everyone for being so understanding and patient as we worked through our schedules, and making sure that we can continue to open our studios for dancers this fall while trying to hopefully align with local schools.
We had quite a few learning experiences this summer and we will be continuing a few of our policies and procedures as we start classes in September. We always want to be transparent with our dancers and their families, and these steps that we’re taking to keep our studios safe.
Commonly touched surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant to make sure that each dancer is coming into a clean studio! Our studios are also deep cleaned each night.
We have discontinued the 15 minute break in between classes in order to avoid dancers having late start times during the school year. We will be opting to end class about 5 minutes early to allow for distancing while dancers enter and exit. We will continue to wipe down high touch surface areas during this time.
We have hand sanitizer on hand near our CD players, and in bathrooms should anyone need it.
We have signs in our bathrooms encouraging dancers and friends to wash their hands after using them. The rule of thumb is 20 seconds!
We have closed our dressing rooms to allow for social distancing. Dancers will only bring in what they need - their shoes and their smiles!
Our faculty will not be offering any hands on corrections at this time. We will also be avoiding any hugs or high-fives.
Our faculty will be primarily stationary during classes to maintain physical distancing space.
Dancers will be spaced out while they wait their turn for across the floor combinations or center work.
We will be requiring dancers and parents to wear masks as they enter the studios. Once classes begin, dancers may remove their mask. If you wish to wear a mask the entire time, we won't be opposed. This is a new requirement for Michigan businesses that started in July of 2020. Dancers and individuals under 5 or with underlying medical conditions are exempt from this policy.
Our faculty may be wearing masks during certain points of class when they are not exerting themselves and it’s safe. We will not be requiring our dancers to wear masks while physically exerting themselves.
Should you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to reach myself directly at our office line - 715-600-0251.
Prayers for a smooth 2020/2021 dance season with health and safety for all!
Thank you, Welcome Back and God Bless!
Heather Olsen
Owner & Director