Children seem to tap into a seemingly bottomless energy reserve that could be quite the handful if not channeled properly. Dance classes can be the perfect answer to those who are not quite old enough for organized school sports, and the creative child that’s looking for a year round energy outlet.
Dancing and dance classes are the perfect alternative to sports. Dance has both the individual accountability aspect, as well as team building skills that are important to child development. Dance is safe to kids of any age. If this isn’t convincing enough, here are the top reasons why you should sign up your kid for dance classes.
1. A Perfect Way to Stay Fit -
Dance always involves complete fitness activities ranging from cardio, flexibility and sometimes strength training. It is a fun way to keep your kids healthy!
2. Improved Socialization Benefits -
Remember all those prom dances and the fact that knowing how to dance always creates a new socialization avenue? This is one of the many social benefits and socialization skills your kid will master by learning to dance.
3. Better Self Esteem -
With each new dance move learnt, your kid will eradicate clumsiness and be happier knowing that he or she is good at something. This will boost self-esteem hence making our kids surer of themselves. We build confidence one step at time!
4. Proven Educational Benefits -
Learning to dance takes dedication and training. The discipline learnt on the dance floor will come in handy when learning in the classroom.
5. Teaches Self-Mastery -
Every dance move learnt is a step towards mastering oneself both physically and mentally. Dancing will teach the kid how far he or she can go hence making them more certain of whatever they do.
6. Prepares Career in Dance Field -
Dancing is a lucrative career that is quite fun if someone is good enough and dedicated! Starting out early increases the chances of perfecting and having your kid discovered before it is too late.
7. Understand Different Cultures -
Since most dance moves draw from a wide variety of cultures, chances are that your kid will learn to understand and appreciate the world’s diversity and make them a more open minded citizen.
8. An Opportunity to Self Express -
Dance is more than just a routine for a show - it’s a form of self expression. The choreography can be a great way for your child to express his or her opinions and feelings to even bigger audiences safely!
9. A Strong Way to Understand Art -
Since dancing is an art, it follows that learning how to dance will improve your kid’s chances of mastering art. Knowing art is the first step to cultivating a strong and resilient mind.
10. The Perfect Way to let off Energy -
Growing up as a kid presents a lot of challenges today. Dedicated dance classes and occasional performances will give your kid a safe place to vent off the extra energy, stay busy and channel emotions in a safe and creative environment.
These ten topics are only the tip of the iceberg. Dancers also gain skills in problem solving, have a deeper understanding of paying attention to directions, amazing multi-tasking skills, and consistently work to meet strict deadlines.
Do you think your child is ready to start building skills, healthy habits and confidence? Contact us today to enroll your future dancer!